The fifth week of the SPEAR2Lead 2020 Summer Summer Series Passions & Purpose is a spotlight on Communication and Consulting. SPEAR2Lead is joined by Saturday Spotlight Speakers and Blog Contributors Julia Simms and Brian Kouassi.
Julia Simms is a Founder & CEO and Brian Kouassi is a Consultant II, Internal Audit & Financial Advisor. Their biographies will be shared along with their views and experiences of working in the Communication and Consulting industry. There will also be an exploration of their thoughts as it relates to passions, purpose, and professionalism. Lastly, we will get a glimpse into their perspectives when it comes to success and a focus on key concepts and terms that are important in their line of work.
Meet Julia Simms
Communication is defined by Merriam-Webster as ” a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.” Consulting is defined as ” the provision to businesses of objective advice and assistance relating to the strategy, structure, management, and operations of an organization in pursuit of its long-term purposes and objectives. Such assistance may include the identification of options with recommendations; the provision of additional resources; and/or the implementation of solutions.” A consultant educates, offers advice, guides, informs, and provides a different perspective to their clients or customers.
SPEAR2Lead wanted to share the story and journey of two remarkable and inspiring professionals in the public and ministry service industry. The work that they do serve so many and does not go unnoticed. Together, we will learn more about their passions, personal purpose, the work that they do, and how they are changing the world in their own rights. We hope you are excited to learn more about these wonderful educators, through exploring starting with passions, then purposes to professionalism and success.
Passions are what fuel a person; they help each of us to strive, they are the soft skills that make each person unique. Passions are important and they help inform the decisions that people make. Ms. Simms and Mr. Kouassi parallel their personal positions and professional passions.
Ms. Simms notes ” I’m passionate about lifting people up, and as it relates to my personal line of work I’m passionate about building mutually beneficial relationships.”
Mr. Kouassi indicates ” I’m passionate about revolutionizing the way that capital markets work through innovative technology to reduce waste and allocate capital at scale for Social Good. .”
A person’s purpose is personal, it is your why, your reason, and what helps guide the path each person takes.
Ms. Simms shares “Purpose is something that you were called to do, and when you’re not living out your purpose you don’t feel whole.”
Mr. Kouassi speaks to the topic of purpose in saying ” Purpose waking up every morning with your goals in clear view and a sense of drive to achieve those goals. “
Professional & Professionalism
What it means to be a professional and to demonstrate professionalism looks different to everyone.
Ms. Simms provides her perspective on the subject of professionalism saying ” To be a professional means that you understand how to not only handle your business but handle your business in an ethical way. Professionalism looks like mannerisms and business style clothing.”
Mr. Kouassi describes a professional as someone who is “candid, transparent, and maintains honest communication coupled with putting their best foot forward. “
Success is not a one-size-fits-all commodity. Each person has their individual goals, visions, dreams, hopes, ambitions, and aspirations. SPEAR2Lead understands the value of personal and professional success and wants to change the connotation of success.
Ms. Simms describes and defines success as ” the freedom to live life on my own terms.”
Mr. Kouassi defines success as being able to make a ” positive impact on those you interact with.”
Words to anyone interested in the Music & Ministry Industry
When passions are combined with purpose and practiced in the profession it is the perfect combination. Innovation, Transparency, and Connections are vital characteristics to keep in mind when pursuing a Communication and Consulting related profession or career.
The video to watch the SPEAR2Lead 2020 Summer Stories Series: Communication and Consulting Saturday Spotlight with Julia Simms and Brian Kouassi moderated by Ms. ODA is forthcoming, stay tuned!